Paddling in Iowa – A Chronology 12/27/2017 Page 1 of 11 Iowa-Paddling-Chronology-171227.pdf The original “Chronology of Paddling in Iowa” document was developed by Rick Dietz and Robin Fortney, and shared with attendees during the 2008 CSO Iowa Paddlesport Expo. 1673 In June, Louis Joliet, Father Marquette, and their French crew arrive in the area of Pike’s Peak and McGregor on the Mississippi River, after paddling & portaging via Lake Michigan, Fox River and Wisconsin River on their journey from Canada. 1700 Approximate construction date (carbon dating) of a walnut dugout canoe, currently on display at the Montgomery County History Center in Red Oak. The canoe was discovered south of Red Oak, along the Nishnabotna River, in 1975. 1804 Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and their 29 man crew paddle, pole, and sail up the winding Missouri River from St. Louis. On Aug 20 they pause to bury Sergeant Floyd near present-day Sioux...